Fast to Faith: Weight Loss & Hormone Support for Women Over 35

#224: Is Faith the Missing Ingredient in Health?

Dr. Tabatha Season 6 Episode 224

Hey ladies, welcome to the newly renamed podcast, "Fast to Faith: Weight Loss and Hormone Support for Women Over 35." 

Previously known as "The Gutsy Gynecologist Show," the podcast name change is fueled by your requests, and I'm ecstatic to help you navigate your incredible health journey. 

I'm Dr. Tabatha, and let me tell you, you're in the right place! 

In this episode, I share how God called me to guide women to reestablish their spiritual connection. As a doctor who educates women on improving their health, I was called to reveal that faith is the path to true healing.

Highlights in this episode include: 

✔️ Making bold declarations

✔️ Believing in God’s plan

✔️ Living with a mindset of faith-it-until-you-make-it

✔️ The Power of Faith and Fasting

✔️ Guidance on how to take back control of your body, mind, and spiritual health with faith as your foundation

I’m excited to share my evolution from focusing solely on physical wellness to embracing the power of faith and fasting. 

Together, we can have the bold faith needed to lose weight, be pain free, and most importantly, ENJOY LIFE!

Subscribe to this podcast so we can travel this road together every week. Hit the notification bell on YouTube if you're watching me there, and share this journey with every woman you know. 

Check out "Fast to Faith" the book, now available in audio format, and visit for amazing testimonials that will inspire you.

Ladies, there’s strength in sisterhood, and remember, anything is possible with God. Love your body, feed your soul, and join me in this transformative journey. Keep Jesus on your mind, and better actions will follow.

Catch you soon!

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What You’ll Learn in Just 5 Days:

🔥 How to Lose Fat & Boost Energy 🙏 Spiritual Renewal 🧠 Breaking Weight Loss Myths 👑 Stepping into Your Best Self 💫 Bonus Opportunity!

Thank you for tuning in! Want to dive deeper? Accelerate your fasting journey with the Fasting Accelerator Collection—your ultimate guide to maximizing your fasting results. If you’re ready to take your health coaching to the next level, check out our Coach Certification Program designed for passionate individuals looking to help others thrive. Don’t forget to download the Fast to Faith app for exclusive recipes and to connect with a supportive sisterhood dedicated to health, wellness, and faith.

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Dr. Tabatha [00:00]:
Are you wondering if you're in the right place? Oh, my goodness. Yes, you are. The gutsy gynecologist show has been rebranded. We are now fast to faith, weight loss, and hormone support for women over 35. I'm so excited about this shift, you guys. You have been asking for it, and I have listened, okay? Women over 35 keep reaching out to me, asking me, am I in perimenopause? What's going on with my body? What are all of these changes? And I'm realizing that the majority of you listening are over 35. You're struggling with hormone issues. You're getting mixed messages.

Dr. Tabatha [00:00:46]:
A lot of confusing recommendations from the conventional medical space and even the health and wellness space. There's a lot of different camps out there as to what they're promoting, what they're recommending, and I am here to help you make sense of it all, okay? And the bigger piece is that you need to feed your faith, because our body, mind, and soul are all connected. And what's happening in each of those systems affects the other systems. And this is what I keep seeing. Women are working on their physical body. They're trying to get their hormones balanced or their gut healed or their weight, you know, in check, but they're not dealing with their poor soul that's crying out to them for love and support and nourishment. And I, once you finally start tapping into what your soul needs and feed your soul, nourish your soul. That is when your body can start to shift, and the mind is the connection between the two.

Dr. Tabatha [00:02:03]:
You must renew your mind in order to heal your body and nourish your soul. So I'm here to help facilitate all of that. And let me just say, because you might be asking, am I qualified? I am highly qualified to do this. I come from conventional medicine. I know everything that they're telling you. I know what all the studies say. I know the limitations of practicing conventional medicine, and I know the world of health and wellness. I am trained in functional medicine.

Dr. Tabatha [00:02:39]:
I understand root cause medicine, root cause illness, and how to tackle that. And the beauty is we can marry the two and we can figure out how to help you heal and thrive, but you have to feed your faith. So that is the piece, y'all. That is the piece that is missing in a lot of medical practices, a lot of hormone clinics, a lot of functional clinics as well, is we have to get back to reconnecting the body, mind, and soul. And once we reconnect all three aspects of who you are, that is your essence, that is your being. Once you are healing all three aspects of you, then you can have an amazing life. Then you can love your body. Then you can have the strength of the Holy Spirit working within you to do all the amazing things that you have dreamt of in your heart.

Dr. Tabatha [00:03:43]:
I hope you stick with me, because it's going to get real. It's going to get raw. I'm a messy Christian. I have done everything wrong that you can possibly think of, and I've figured out the hard way how to do things the right way. I love sharing my stories, my testimonials, my tragedies, and my triumphs, because I think when we share our stories, we help each other. You can see yourself in my story. I can see myself in your stories. I love when women share what they've been going through, because that just makes me so much more connected to them.

Dr. Tabatha [00:04:23]:
So I am creating a sisterhood of women that we are just lifting each other up. We are there for each other. There's no judgment. There's no competition. It's how can I support you? How can I cheer you on? How can I help empathize and get through this, you know, terrible situation with you? Like, how can we show up better for each other as women? And it really comes back to knowing who you are, being comfortable and content with who you are and whose you are, right? So, once I fully embraced and accepted the fact that I was a child of God, I have been saved. Jesus is the only king I bow down to. Like, once I got clarity on all of that and just surrendered to that as my position in life, as my identity, everything got so much clearer that I was able to show up for other women because I was no longer showing up as my ego, as my competitive self, as my judgmental self. And granted, you guys, that does come back, right? We're human.

Dr. Tabatha [00:05:46]:
We have all these shortcomings as humans. But if we just keep turning our eyes back to Jesus, what would Jesus do, right? And try to come at women with love, with empathy, with compassion, with support? Like, everything changes, and they see that, they feel that, then they want to do that same to you, and then you receive that. It's just such a beautiful thing. If we can start to show up in our full identity as a child of God, you know, as Jesus, as our savior, and we can't do anything without him, that is where the magic happens. That's where you can start to believe in your body's ability to heal again. That's where you can tap into that innate intelligence in your body and really thrive and go out and live the amazing life that you were created to live. But you gotta bring all these pieces together. You have to glorify God and give him the glory, and then you can do all the functional medicine stuff, you know, all of the tools that God gives us.

Dr. Tabatha [00:06:59]:
Fasting is an amazing tool that God has given us. It's one of our superpowers. But we need to learn how to do it properly, especially as women going through hormonal changes. So I'm going to talk about fasting a lot because it is my foundational program. It's the foundation of health. Honestly, God created us to fast and to feast on faith foods, not franken foods. We'll talk about all of that, but I'm really excited to just bring this to you and glorify God and not be hiding anymore. I'm done hiding.

Dr. Tabatha [00:07:40]:
You know, fasting without faith, that's your next failed diet. We need to tap into the strength of our creator. We need that energetic connection. And don't be afraid, like, stand on what you believe in, because if you don't stand for something, you're going to fall for everything and you're just going to continue to have failed diets, failed doctor's appointments, more and more illnesses and conditions and whatever else. I don't want you to be defined by any of that. You are not your diagnosis, okay? You are a child of God that has a healthy body that has the ability to heal itself. Can I just tell you, I am a trained surgeon, right? I spent four years doing a surgical residency to remove organs, to remove disease, to deliver babies, to do all of these invasive things. I was taught that I was the healer.

Dr. Tabatha [00:08:44]:
I had the hands to heal. The truth is, surgeons don't heal you, doctors don't heal you. I can cut things out and put your skin back together, your muscles back together, your uterus back together, but your body does the actual healing. Your body grows those cells back together and strengthens you and recovers you. You know, the orthopedic surgeon can put rods and screws in there or can cast you up, but your bones have to heal back together themselves. So take back control. You are in control of your healing, you and God, okay? So if you can just shift your mindset and believe in your body's ability to heal and thrive, that's step one right there. Step two is getting educated on how your body functions, what's actually happening in your body, and why is it sending you all of these crazy signals? The signals show up as symptoms symptoms are messages from your body.

Dr. Tabatha [00:09:55]:
They're warning signs. Your body's trying to tell you something. It's screaming at you. Please listen. Please do something different. Remove that offending trigger or give me something. I'm depleted in your body's trying to tell you something. That's what those symptoms are.

Dr. Tabatha [00:10:13]:
Symptoms are not annoyances to be covered up. No more band aid medicine, ladies. Okay, let's listen to our bodies. And if you want to understand your body, read this book behind me. Fast to faith. Okay. It was a download from God. He said, explain to women what's happening from a functional medicine perspective.

Dr. Tabatha [00:10:38]:
Help them understand their body from their head to their toes, all the systems, how they're all interconnected, how they're all working together as a symphony and how they're going awry. What are these symptoms trying to tell them so fast to faith teaches you the importance of gut health. What's happening with your immune system, your adrenals, your thyroid, your sex hormones, all the things so that you can start to understand and discern what's going on in your body. You don't need a doctor most of the time, I promise you. So if you can really figure this out and then learn how to give it what it's asking for, give it what it needs, be the investigator and really tap into that, you're going to just feel so empowered. And when you can take back that control, everything can start to shift. You can get off medications, you can prevent surgeries that you didn't need, all of those interventions that so much of it is super unnecessary. All the scopes, all the right.

Dr. Tabatha [00:11:49]:
So give it a chance. Read fast to faith. I'm super excited. It's coming out on audio very soon. I just finished recording it and then hit the subscribe button. Listen to this podcast every week. Share it with every woman you know. If you're watching on YouTube, hit the subscribe the notification ding so that you know when we put out new stuff, because we are here to serve you, I want to support you, educate you, help you understand what's going on in your body and how to really shift.

Dr. Tabatha [00:12:25]:
And I just can't wait to hear all the exciting things that come from this because I've already gotten so many testimonials from the fast of faith program that's been out over the past year and a half and the book, like, go to dot. There's amazing testimonials. It's just I have to give God all the glory for this, but I can't wait to see what this new podcast does, because it's really going to just equip you with everything that you need to feel your best to be balanced, to maintain a healthy weight. Like, can we get an amen on that? I want you to stop worrying about your weight. I want you to stop worrying about the scale, all of that. If we can get you healthy and get you to a healthy weight, you won't have to worry about all that. And I promise you, it is so attainable. Anything is possible with God.

Dr. Tabatha [00:13:25]:
Okay? So keep Jesus on your mind and better actions will follow, and I'll see you soon.