Fast to Faith: Weight Loss & Hormone Support for Women Over 35

#225: Can Fasting Be Your Superpower?

Dr. Tabatha Season 6 Episode 225

Fasting is your superpower! 

Fasting isn't just about food—it's about connecting more deeply with God, cultivating mental resilience, and empowering yourself physically and spiritually.

In this episode we're diving deep into the power of fasting combined with faith. Prepare to experience an incredible transformation that aligns your body, mind, and spirit with God's purpose for you.

I delve into how fasting allows us to hear God's wisdom more clearly by abstaining from not just food but also negative thoughts and actions. By giving our digestive system a break, our bodies shift into a state of healing and repair, creating a clean slate for spiritual growth.

Additionally, I emphasize how incorporating fasting into our lifestyle aids in reestablishing our spiritual connection, building inner strength, and transforming our overall health. It’s not just about enduring hunger; it’s about rediscovering your faith and unleashing the best version of yourself.

Here are some key points we'll cover in this episode:

  • How fasting strengthens your spiritual connection and allows you to hear God's voice more clearly.
  • The physical benefits of fasting, including digestive rest and toxin elimination.
  • Empowering your mind by trusting in your innate ability to heal and making mindful choices.
  • The importance of self-compassion and forgiveness in your transformative journey.
  • Practical steps to incorporate fasting into your daily routine and regain control of your life.
  • Finding harmony and balance among your body, mind, and spirit to thrive as God intended.

I truly believe that by integrating fasting and faith, you can achieve profound transformations. So, if you're ready to embark on this journey of growth, healing, and self-discovery, stay tuned and join me in the Fast to Faith program. 

Thank you for tuning in! Want to dive deeper? Accelerate your fasting journey with the Fasting Accelerator Collection—your ultimate guide to maximizing your fasting results. If you’re ready to take your health coaching to the next level, check out our Coach Certification Program designed for passionate individuals looking to help others thrive. Don’t forget to download the Fast to Faith app for exclusive recipes and to connect with a supportive sisterhood dedicated to health, wellness, and faith.

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Dr. Tabatha [00:00:00]:
I'm so excited that you're here for this new journey. Fast to faith. Fasting can be such a powerful tool for personal transformation and healing of your health. But it can also be your superpower when you're trying to strengthen your faith and your reliance on God to get you through life. Because I believe God's got you. And what I have come to understand is that when you incorporate fasting into your lifestyle, you can tap into a deeper sense of inner strength and spiritual connection, and it helps you be your best self. So fasting is not just about abstaining from food. It's about abstaining from other things that distract us from God, such as negative thoughts and actions.

Dr. Tabatha [00:00:49]:
And so when we fast, we clear our minds and we can focus on our spiritual being. And this allows us to hear God's voice more clearly and then we can receive his guidance and his wisdom. It's incredible what a superpower it is to have fasting and faith combined. So I am really excited to have you come on this journey with me because I'm taking women through it and their transformations are incredible. You know, when we fast, we physically, our bodies enter a state of healing and repair. Our digestive system gets a rest because it actually requires energy to digest food. And when we stop eating, our bodies are able to focus on eliminating toxins and repairing the cells, and that improves our overall health. So when you start incorporating fasting as a lifestyle, you're not only healing your body, but you're empowering your mind to trust yourself again.

Dr. Tabatha [00:02:01]:
And you're believing in your ability and the innate intelligence of your body to take care of itself and to heal. And it's amazing what we're actually capable of when we set our mind to it and when we believe in ourselves and ask God for that strength, literally, through God, all things are possible. And when you step into that faith and that knowing and believe it with all of your heart again, like you did as a child, like when you believe that again, then your health can really, really shift. It's a beautiful thing. I see it all the time with my patients over and over and over and with myself. So if you are looking to strengthen your faith and reestablish that connection, that relationship with God while healing and transforming your body, you are going to want to incorporate fasting into your lifestyle. It's literally that powerful of a tool. You're going to feel so strong, mentally, physically, emotionally.

Dr. Tabatha [00:03:12]:
You're going to reestablish that spiritual connection and you'll be able to see a new version of yourself and step into that best version of yourself that God wants for you. I truly believe God created us to go on a journey. He created us to always be growing and changing and transformation, and he's always got better things ahead waiting for us if we will just believe and take that, you know, leap of faith and step into it. So, you know, there's this old saying, fake it till you make it. But it's really faith it till you make it. Just keep faith ing it. So I want you to start faith in it. Faith in the belief that your body is capable of going multiple hours without food, and it's actually healthy for you.

Dr. Tabatha [00:04:10]:
That's how God created your body to be. So if you are consistent with this and you are staying faithful, you're going to see a shift in a transformation. I guarantee it. It's an incredible process, and I'm really excited. I hope you'll stay with us for this, because it's. This is what you need, ladies. It's time to reconnect the body, mind, and spirit. Just like the Holy Trinity has God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit, we have the body, mind, and our spirit, and we need to reconnect them.

Dr. Tabatha [00:04:46]:
That is really the only way to be whole as a woman and to thrive and have the amazing life that God created for us. Right? So when I think of being whole, I think of taking care of my physical body, cultivating a healthy mind, reconnecting those relationships with God and the Holy Spirit, and then finding harmony and balance in it. All right? Like, how do we nourish all three aspects? How do we stay in balance? And then the biggest piece, practice forgiveness and self compassion. That is where I fell short. So many of my patients fall short. I see it all the time. If that is you, if you are mad at yourself, you're mad at someone else, you're not letting it go. If you're stuck in this self loathing, it's time to release that and just say, God, take that burden from me.

Dr. Tabatha [00:05:56]:
I no longer want to carry that. I forgive myself. I forgive that person. That blockage, that baggage that you're carrying is literally preventing you from moving forward and being your best self in this life. So forgiveness and self compassion is not for the other person. If it's another person, it's for you. And I know for me, I needed to forgive myself for all the stuff that I messed up on, all the choices that I now look back and regret. You can't look back and live in regret.

Dr. Tabatha [00:06:38]:
You have to say, I made the best decision that I could at the time with the tools that I had. I obviously made that decision for a reason. I wouldn't make that decision now, but that's okay. And move forward and stop beating yourself up. Even the little things. God wants you to rely on him for the little things. Like if you ate an entire bag of oreos yesterday, that does not mean that you should sit and continue to berate yourself for the next three days and eat more oreos. Right? It says it's us having to say that was a bad choice.

Dr. Tabatha [00:07:22]:
I'm not going to do that again. I'm going to move forward and make different choices. And you're not going to beat yourself up. You don't have to just throw in the towel because you had one bad choice or a couple bad choices or a bad month. We need to begin again. So I want you to take this time to really take stock of yourself, of your life, of your choices, what you're doing throughout the day. Is it all just a bunch of mindless stuff? Are you being led by life? Is life leading you around? Or are you in control? Are you mindful? Are you. Are you deciding things? Are you making the right choices? Or is life just doing you and take back control? Don't beat yourself up.

Dr. Tabatha [00:08:15]:
Just begin again. Today I'm going to do this so that tomorrow looks like this and 1ft in front of the other, you're going to start to make a shift. And the best way, I think the quickest way, is to get control of your food and your eating. So that's why I love the fast to faith program, because it gives you the tools to be able to say, okay, I'm going to take back control of what's going on with my body, of what I'm putting in it, when I'm putting stuff in it, how I'm nourishing it. And if you can do that, that is the first step to a better you and a better life. So I hope you're going to join us on this journey because it's transformative and I know that's what you need. That's why you found me today. So welcome.