Fast to Faith: Weight Loss & Hormone Support for Women Over 35

#229: Honor God by Honoring Your Body

Dr. Tabatha Season 6 Episode 229

Do you tend to put your children, spouse, parents, and friends first? Many women chronically prioritize the needs of others before their own. This often leads to lack of self care and feeling resentful towards the people we love. 

What can you do to change this? You can start by honoring God and yourself by honoring your body!

In this episode, I discuss:

  • Recognizing the steps you can take to put yourself first
  • The societal expectations women face
  • Why self care is NOT selfish
  • Getting rid of the lies that you’ve been told 
  • Why God wants you to take care of your body
  • How to honor your body
  • And so much more!

Thank you for tuning in! Want to dive deeper? Accelerate your fasting journey with the Fasting Accelerator Collection—your ultimate guide to maximizing your fasting results. If you’re ready to take your health coaching to the next level, check out our Coach Certification Program designed for passionate individuals looking to help others thrive. Don’t forget to download the Fast to Faith app for exclusive recipes and to connect with a supportive sisterhood dedicated to health, wellness, and faith.

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Dr. Tabatha [00:00:06]:
Are you looking to elevate your health to the next level? In the fast to faith community, we use fasting, faith and functional medicine so that you lose weight and achieve your highest health. Hi, my name is Doctor Tabitha Barber. I'm a triple board certified functional medicine physician. I help women look and feel ten years younger by integrating fasting, faith and functional medicine. Download the fast to faith app in the Apple Store or the Google Play Store and start your free seven day trial. You're going to get recipes, meal plans, and my proven 210 2030 method of eating for weight loss and the fast to faith sisterhood, which is a nurturing, supportive community of women who share challenges, progress and celebrate successes together. The fast to faith app has everything you need to lose weight while deepening your faith. Thrive with the intermittent fasting lifestyle on this episode of fast to faith, I promise you, God does not think self care is selfish.

Dr. Tabatha [00:01:16]:
God wants you to care for your body. He lent you that body. He wants you to thrive and do the amazing things that you can do in it. And you cannot do that if you are not taking care of your yourself. First and foremost, I promise you. Hormone optimization, gut health, faith, fasting, nutrition, beauty secrets, longevity, weight loss. So much more. Welcome to fast of faith.

Dr. Tabatha [00:01:43]:
Are you ready to look and feel ten years younger? Let's get started. Are you feeling disconnected or incomplete? Are you feeling like I'm just not whole? There is something missing. Many of you joined fast of faith because you want to be part of a sisterhood. You want to connect and have that community of women. I keep hearing that you feel alone. You feel like you're the only one that's going through this. You feel disconnected from your body. You feel disconnected from your loved ones.

Dr. Tabatha [00:02:25]:
And I am so glad you're here. Literally. We need to reconnect our body, mind and spirit. We need to strengthen our faith, and that is the only way that we're going to feel whole again. So there's a lot of reasons that we can be struggling emotionally and having this feeling of being disconnected or not complete. You know, we have social expectations as women. We have to juggle all of these things and fulfill these roles. And it's very much ingrained in us to put our family first, our co workers, our jobs, our parents, everybody first and us last.

Dr. Tabatha [00:03:18]:
And that can lead into lack of self care. So having these societal expectations that we can multitask and run the show and handle everything seeps into this idea of self care is selfish. And so we end up not giving ourselves what we need and we neglect our physical health, our emotional health, our spiritual health. And that leaves us feeling very disconnected and often resentful. You know, I hear from a lot of women that they are resentful toward their husbands or their children because they're not getting what they need in return to all this, you know, they've given. And so I really encourage you to take a step back and realize that you have given of your own free will. You have taken care of them, you have cooked for them, cleaned for them, done the grocery shopping, whatever, run them all over Timbuktu, all the things you have done. There probably was not a verbal or written agreement that you were going to get your needs met in return.

Dr. Tabatha [00:04:38]:
It was society saying, this is your job as a wife, a moment, a professional woman, whatever the case may be, and hopefully your needs will get met on the other side. And really, that's not happening. So we're feeling resentful, we're feeling angry, we're feeling disconnected. So what we can do is realize that we have so much power and control in this situation. We literally say, God, please help me be more aware of my boundaries and my decisions and how they impact me and how I feel and what I need. And please help me to put me first. I promise you, God does not think self care is selfish. God wants you to care for your body.

Dr. Tabatha [00:05:38]:
He lent you that body. He wants you to thrive and do the amazing things that you can do in it. And you cannot do that if you are not taking care of yourself. First and foremost, I promise you. The old adage from the airplane, put your oxygen mask on first, literally, is the way to live. That is exactly how you need to think about it. You need to fill yourself up before you fill up your children and your husband and your friends and anyone else in your life. And definitely before any work in your life, you come first.

Dr. Tabatha [00:06:22]:
God promises that of you. He wants that of you. So we have to just get rid of all these lies that have been embedded into us through society that we're supposed to put ourselves last. That is not what God wants at all, actually. So if you can do that, you will start to feel like, oh, my needs are being met. My body is feeling stronger. My mind is feeling stronger. I'm feeling loved.

Dr. Tabatha [00:06:54]:
Because you're giving yourself what you need. Okay, so in the Bible, first corinthians six, verses 19 and 20, do you not know that your body is a house of God where the holy spirit lives? God gave you his holy spirit. Now you belong to God. You do not belong to yourselves. God bought you with a great price. So honor God with your body. You belong to him. That right there.

Dr. Tabatha [00:07:27]:
First Corinthians six, very powerful. That says it all to me. He wants us to wake up and go work out and exercise. He wants us to practice meditation and prayer. He wants us going to therapy and working through our past traumas. He wants us choosing his food, God's food, whole, clean food, not this processed, franken food that we've created. It literally says, honor God with your body. That.

Dr. Tabatha [00:08:04]:
That's it right there, you guys. So stop feeling bad for wanting to take care of yourself and start, like, spreading this idea of, I'm taking care of myself as a way of honoring God and show the people in your life that that's what you're doing, and be bold about that. God doesn't want us to be timid in our faith. He wants us to make bold declarations like, I love you, God, and I appreciate this life that you have given me. So I'm going to to show you by honoring you, by taking care of my body. So how powerful is that? I love that so much. Because then you don't have to feel guilty about spending the extra money on the healthy food, spending the extra time on working out and going for a walk and journaling and doing all the things that fill you up and make you healthy and whole again. That's actually what God wants for you.

Dr. Tabatha [00:09:16]:
And in return, when your body is functioning better and your mind is working better, you can actually focus on the stuff that God put you on this earth to do. You're not stuck in, oh, my gosh, my pain, my suffering, my medical issues. No, you can focus on what he actually put you here to do. And maybe that is to, you know, motivate and inspire others to live healthy lives. Maybe that is to be a librarian. Maybe it is to run a children's worship service. Maybe it is to travel the world and meet amazing people. Like, whatever it is.

Dr. Tabatha [00:10:04]:
If your physical ailments are preventing you from living the life God created for you, that's not okay. Like, we need to make that shift. You need to get back in the driver's seat and take that bold faith and say, thank you, God, for this body. I'm gonna do everything I can to actually make it the strong, healthy body that you originally gave me and that I know that it's capable of being. I just didn't know how to take care of it, and now I know how to take care of it better. So we're going to take care of it by eating God's food. We're going to supplement it with high quality vitamins and minerals and protein and everything else that our body is lacking. We're going to move our bodies.

Dr. Tabatha [00:10:53]:
We're going to heal our bodies. We're going to fast and do all of the things. So please let me know what you are shifting to honor your body more, and I will see you soon.