Fast to Faith: Weight Loss & Hormone Support for Women Over 35

#234: Empowered by Faith: 5 Days to a Lighter You

Dr. Tabatha Season 6 Episode 234

Let me ask you something… ever feel like your health is on a rollercoaster? One day you're crushing it, making all the right choices… and then the next day, well, cravings win, the wine is flowing, and your best self feels so far away. 

But what if I told you there's a way to stay on track no matter what life throws your way? What if you could lose weight AND grow stronger in your faith—all at once? 

That’s exactly what we’re diving into today on the Fast to Faith podcast! In this episode, we’re talking all about my upcoming Empowered by Faith: 5 Days to a Lighter You 5-Day Challenge. 

Imagine… dropping the weight, ditching the cravings, and FINALLY feeling like the woman you were made to be. You know that super-inspired, on-fire version of yourself after church on Sunday? What if you could be that woman ALL week long?! Want to know how to make that happen? I’ve got you covered! 

So, get ready for this faith-fueled episode, and I’ll show you how to transform your body, mind, and spirit—starting NOW. Trust me, friend, you don’t want to miss this one! 

Join us for the Empowered by Faith: 5 Days to a Lighter You Challenge!
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What You’ll Learn in Just 5 Days:

🔥 How to Lose Fat & Boost Energy 🙏 Spiritual Renewal 🧠 Breaking Weight Loss Myths 👑 Stepping into Your Best Self 💫 Bonus Opportunity!

Thank you for tuning in! Want to dive deeper? Accelerate your fasting journey with the Fasting Accelerator Collection—your ultimate guide to maximizing your fasting results. If you’re ready to take your health coaching to the next level, check out our Coach Certification Program designed for passionate individuals looking to help others thrive. Don’t forget to download the Fast to Faith app for exclusive recipes and to connect with a supportive sisterhood dedicated to health, wellness, and faith.

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Dr. Tabatha [00:00:00]:
All right, I have an important question. Do you ever feel like your health is on a roller coaster? One day, you're crushing it and making all the right choices, and you're just feeling on top of the world. You're so proud of yourself, and then the next day, literally, you. You're giving in to the cravings, you feel defeated, and you're just like, why bother? Okay, this is a really important episode for you, because, honestly, I hear this all the time in my virtual medical practice. Almost every day, some woman explains this roller coaster to me. It's like it's magnified during perimenopause. So if you're over 35 or 40, it can really get magnified, because our hormones are shifting so much, and our hormones make us feel a certain way. They make us think certain things.

Dr. Tabatha [00:00:56]:
They give us drive to do stuff, or they make us feel depressed and anxious when we don't have them. So a lot of these changes are happening because of your hormone shifts, but unfortunately, a lot of what you're doing is affecting your hormones, and so we can't always blame our hormones, you guys. A lot of it is our choices. So it's this vicious cycle, and it just feels like this health roller coaster. Okay? So I want to help you either get off the roller coaster completely or ride a smaller roller coaster, right? I think of going to Disneyland, and you can ride the big roller coasters that drop your throat into your stomach and scare the bejesus out of you. Or you can ride, like, the goofy roller coaster at Magic Kingdom with your kids. And it's fun, but it's not, like, really scary. It's just smaller.

Dr. Tabatha [00:01:59]:
Like, little turns, a little bump here and there. So let's either get off the roller coaster completely or ride a smaller roller coaster, okay? And I love roller coasters, but not when it comes to my health. So God has really been showing me lately, like, how can I step up and serve women better? That's what I keep asking him, and he keeps showing me the way. So I'm really excited to talk about this and share this with you, like, on an ongoing basis. Because when I see patients, even in my virtual medical practice, even though I'm available all over the country, I'm still only able to help one woman at a time. It's just. It's not enough. There's so many of you that are struggling.

Dr. Tabatha [00:02:52]:
And so God has really laid it on my heart that I need to figure out how to multiply myself, how to clone myself, how to really get the message out there that you can heal. Your body is equipped to heal and thrive. You just need the right guide. And so, you know, over the past year, things just keep showing up. All of the opportunities, all of the possibilities to step in and create a bigger impact and help more women. So I'm really excited that this is finally, finally coming to fruition. And you guys, I just want to encourage you to trust. Trust God's timing.

Dr. Tabatha [00:03:42]:
Trust his calling on what he's doing with your life. Trust all of the trials and tribulations that you're going through in your health, because they're setting you up for an amazing future. They're setting you up for a turnaround on the other side. So don't even be mad at your challenges. And I know that's easier said than done, right? It's really easy to be like, oh, yeah. Like pain to purpose, mess into, message, your test into your testimonials. But I promise you, I have been through so much hard stuff, and I'm just so grateful because it continues to make me a better woman, and it helps me show up and give back to you. And it's opened my eyes to all of these possibilities that I could not see when I was just stuck in my pain and blame and shame and all the things.

Dr. Tabatha [00:04:44]:
And so that's what I'm trying to bring to you, is a new future, a new possibility, a new opportunity. If you're watching on YouTube or on social media, my necklace is a bow. Because this feels like a gift that I'm bringing to you. I'm bringing you the gift of change, the opportunity, opportunity to step into health and wellness, get off that crazy disease diagnoses roller coaster. So this gift that God has given to me, I'm now passing along to you, and I want to share it with you. I want to enjoy it together. I'm, like, so pumped. Oh, my goodness.

Dr. Tabatha [00:05:32]:
Okay, so this episode today, we are going to talk about how you can feel confident in your body, love your body, have your body work for you, and work together with your mind and your soul to create a beautiful life that you love. Right? So I want to talk about a five day challenge that I have coming up. My team and I have created this challenge called empowered by faith. Five days to a lighter you. And it's not just about health, it's about your entire life. But of course, we're going to focus on health from the get go because I've spent decades studying women. I've been studying your physiology, all of the aspects of the hormone challenges and seasons that we go through, the mental games that we play with ourselves, why we do the things we do, our behaviors, our habits, all of the things. And all of this studying has really helped me to understand what it takes to make that shift.

Dr. Tabatha [00:06:51]:
It's not enough to just get a diagnosis and a treatment plan for you to get well and to get healthy. If it was, we'd all be healthy, right? There's no. There's not a lack of information. Like, you can google anything. We have infobee City. One of my mentors, Sam Horn, calls it infobesity. There is not a lack of knowledge. It's the lack of implementation and change.

Dr. Tabatha [00:07:22]:
And so we have to unpack why? Why is that happening? So you might be like, wait a second. I don't know this stuff about hormones and a gut health and adrenals and how it is affecting me and keeping me, you know, from losing weight and all this stuff, that's great. But when I have women who come into my world and I teach them this stuff, that's not enough. Because we have emotional eating patterns, we have habits that sabotage us. We have stories playing on in our mind all the way from childhood that keep us stuck, lies on repeat, that we need to break free from generational curses that have been passed down. And there's a real danger. There's an enemy who really does want you to stay stuck, who wants you to live in fear and not believe that there's a better life for you. And so we need to break free of all of that.

Dr. Tabatha [00:08:25]:
And so, empowered by faith, this five day challenge to a lighter you is tackling all of it. I'm so pumped. Like, I've poured my heart and soul into this. My team has been pouring their hearts and their souls into it because we want to help you. This is what we're called to do. We're called to help you be your best version so you can do and go all we you're called to do, right? So it's this pay it forward, this domino effect. But here's the problem. Like I said, you need to understand the hormonal changes that are happening for you.

Dr. Tabatha [00:09:03]:
Why you're struggling with weight gain issues or fatigue, why you're on this roller coaster of good and bad days. And we're going to go over all that during the five day challenge, and I'm going to help you figure out how to go for a walk instead of watching a Netflix binge or getting over those cravings. You know, willpower doesn't work. That's. That's not a long term solution. And you know that. You've been there, right? So we have to figure that out. And this is what I see all the time with women in my group programs, women I work with, one on one.

Dr. Tabatha [00:09:48]:
If you aren't reconnecting what the body's doing, with what the mind is doing, and with what your spirit wants to do, you're going to stay stuck. And so that reconnection is going to be so powerful. And I've seen this over and over again in my women who show up for themselves. They're open to change. They are surrendering to God and just saying, I've tried it my way. I did it my way. It didn't work. I'm ready to see what God has for me, what he has planned for me.

Dr. Tabatha [00:10:25]:
And it's really cool because there is a beautiful, amazing future already laid out for you that you can literally step into and enjoy. You're fighting against it a lot of the times. That's what I was doing. I was fighting against what God was trying to give to me and create for me. And I thought I knew a better way, and I thought I had all the answers and I didn't need God. And that is not how we're called to live. So I would invite you to bring God into your health conversation. Bring him into your relationships conversation, bring him into your finances conversation.

Dr. Tabatha [00:11:10]:
That was so hard and painful for me because I had so much shame around finances, because I grew up with a scarcity mindset. I was told that you could never keep anything. You could never multiply and flourish. You had to always just give, give, give. And so I've done so much work around this that I'm going to share with you guys. Because when you break those chains and those generational curses, everything shifts. God wants to give you the world. He wants to work in tandem with you.

Dr. Tabatha [00:11:50]:
He's trying to further his kingdom, and he's called you. You wouldn't be listening to this episode right now if you weren't called. So let that sink in for a minute. Okay? But honestly, what if it could be different? What if even on your worst day, you could show up as your best self? Oh, my gosh. I promise you, you can. Because that is what happens to me. I have been tested. I've had some really bad days, and I just keep showing up better and better.

Dr. Tabatha [00:12:30]:
And I am seeing the same thing with my patients, with my group, coaching clients. They just keep showing up better and better. It's like, bring it on. It doesn't even affect us anymore, right? The enemies up to his old tricks. Like, you're always going to be attacked at your highest calling. You're always going to be attacked at your weak spot. And so for me, it was always like, I feel judgmental about myself. I'm afraid to use my voice.

Dr. Tabatha [00:13:02]:
I'm afraid to show up and be the person I know God's calling me to be. And so that's where the enemy would attack, and he would tell me lies that would prevent me from, from showing up, and I would play small. And when I got out of agreement with that, and I figured out that partnering with God to do all of these things is actually freedom, and that's where my strength comes from. I could show up as my best self, because it's not about me. None of this is about me. It's about my calling on serving you and helping you be the best version of yourself. So I would love to know, like, are you showing up as your best self on your worst days, or are you kind of swirling down that vicious spiral of, I'm not good enough, I'm not qualified, I'm not ready. I need more training.

Dr. Tabatha [00:14:11]:
I need more time. Like, all of the things, it's not true. I promise you, it's not true. And what if you had the tools to stay, not only get healthy, but then to stay healthy? Stay at your fabulous, ideal weight, where you feel comfortable in your body while you're growing spiritually and handling whatever life throws at you like, this feels incredible. It feels so good that I can have all these bad things come at me. And I promise you, it's been a year, but my weight doesn't budge. My health doesn't budge because I have figured out the secrets, the tools to stay in alignment, to stay connected, body, mind, and spirit, so that something doesn't fall off a cliff. So I want to teach that to you, and I'm really excited that I finally figured it all out.

Dr. Tabatha [00:15:14]:
It took a minute. So I'm, like, bringing you everything that I took years to try and figure out, and I'm just giving it to you because that's what God told me to do. If I want to help you, I need to teach you all the things that I struggled to learn to, all the ways I failed so that you can avoid all of that. I am trying to give you the quick and dirty way how to change your life, essentially. Like, let me just pour into you. Let me teach you everything I did wrong and everything I did right and what actually works, and not just for me. For all of the women that I've done this with, that I've helped to, and I shouldn't say I, because I have a team. We are helping these women together because it does take a village.

Dr. Tabatha [00:16:09]:
It takes a team, it takes a community. Like I said, it's not about me. But I do want you to know that I'm here to guide you if that's what you want. So let me just break it down really quick because I'm so pumped. Like, literally, you guys, this is next week. This empowered by faith challenge. So it's about losing weight and getting into the body that you love because none of us feel good when we're carrying extra weight around. And it's hard for us to show up when we don't feel comfortable in our clothes.

Dr. Tabatha [00:16:46]:
It's hard for us to be intimate with our partners if we don't feel good naked. Like, all the things around the physical body, right. And it's impossible to show up if we're exhausted, if our brain's not working right. All that inflammation stuff. And you don't need to be perfect. There's no such thing as a perfect Christian. Jesus was the only one, and he wasn't actually Christian yet, right. That movement was because of him.

Dr. Tabatha [00:17:17]:
So show up messy. I'm a messy Christiane. If you haven't been to church ever or in a year, or you go and you have all these intentions and then you don't carry them out throughout the week, it doesn't matter here. That's a messy Christian. That's who I want to work with because that's how I am. That's, you know, there's no room for guilt and condemnation. Like, those feelings are not from God. Those feelings are from the enemy.

Dr. Tabatha [00:17:47]:
So please understand that. But what you're going to learn during this challenge, please sign up. Like, there's no reason not to. It's free. But what you're going to learn, I just had to throw that in there, is that you're going to step into your Christ centered identity. That feeling that you get on Sunday when you go to church, or if you like, you know, listen to Joyce Meyer on YouTube, or you just, like, read a really cool Instagram post that's inspiring. That feeling that you get, like, yes, I'm going to go do something. I'm going to go change.

Dr. Tabatha [00:18:24]:
I'm going to, like, conquer the world. I'm going to conquer my health. That feeling, we're going to figure out how to tap into it and actually make it happen. It's not just going to be like a half hour inspiration or some fleeting feeling and moment, and then you feel bad about yourself after that because you didn't actually step in and do it. We're going to translate that into actual change. Okay? We're going to lose weight. We're going to do the fat loss piece, but we're going to use your faith. And that faith is going to be strengthened through how you nourish your body and take care of yourself and vice versa.

Dr. Tabatha [00:19:08]:
Taking care of yourself and nourishing the temple that God gave you is going to strengthen your faith and your belief in yourself. We're also going to break metabolism myths, okay? That's where all my triple board certified training as a doctor is going to come in. I'm going to talk about the lies that are being perpetuated in the medical system and how they're keeping you stuck in your weight loss journey. We're going to break down all of that. And if you've read fast to faith or if you've done the 40 day program, you know what faith foods are? We're going to talk about faith foods and how to break up with Franken Foods or the standard american sad diet. But you need to know why God designed the food that he did and what it's doing for your body. So we're going to talk about that. We're going to talk also about fasting and spiritual healing, because fasting is the quickest way to nourish your soul, actually.

Dr. Tabatha [00:20:09]:
So I'm really excited to bring all of this together and then what is it called, the piece de resistance. I don't know. I don't speak French, but it's something like that. It's like super exciting. This is what God has literally downloaded to me this year, is I needed to give the opportunity to women to learn everything I've learned. I need to teach you how to do what I do so that it's not just me trying to be a guide and help women, but I need to teach women how to think like me, medically, coach like me, to help transform women's lives and to create their own businesses and their own financial freedom, their own time freedom. Because, you guys, I went from burnt out, like, unable to function and move as an Ob GYN, I had to take four months off of work because that's how bad I got burnt into the ground. And I let them do that to having so much time and financial freedom that the creativity just keeps flowing and I just keep having these new downloads from God to do all these things.

Dr. Tabatha [00:21:27]:
Women are like, how are you writing all these books? How are you doing these programs? How do you travel every single month? How do you coach lacrosse for your daughter and show up for your son and your older daughter and your grandson and, like, do all of the things? It's because I have partnered with God and I'm going to teach you how to do all of this. Like, I'm just in awe that God gave me this download because it fills my heart, literally fills my heart. Like, it feels really good to help women reclaim their health and get over their diagnoses and reverse their diseases and all that stuff. But when I can now teach you how to do that for other women and you can multiply your impact with all the women in your life, give you financial freedom and time. Freedom. Oh, it brings me to tears. It's so incredible. So I'm so excited.

Dr. Tabatha [00:22:29]:
I need to see you in this, in this challenge because you deserve it. And I know that we are connected for a reason. This is not an accident. You are called to do more. You are called to shift out of your financial struggles. You're called to shift out of your relationship issues, your shift to call to take back control of your health and step into the next, better version of yourself that God's already got planned for you. He's already made the way. He's already made those crooked paths straight so that you could step into it.

Dr. Tabatha [00:23:07]:
And I can tell you this because he did this for me. He's done this for countless women. I've seen it time and time again. We don't, you know, we think miracles are just like something that happened in Jesus's time. He is performing miracles all the time. He is saving people. He is edifying them. He saved me.

Dr. Tabatha [00:23:28]:
Like, that is a legit miracle. So step into the power that he's, like, handing you. It's so good. Oh, my gosh. I'm getting way ahead of myself. I'm getting so excited. Okay, so I'm going to give you a sneak peek into the fast to faith coaching academy that my team and I have created. And I have to give all the credit to the holy spirit for how quickly we have turned this around and gotten this done.

Dr. Tabatha [00:23:56]:
Like, I can't even take the credit for it, but it's because I know that's what God wants us to do, is offer you a certification program so that you can become a faith based health coach. You can go out and make that impact while healing yourself, while getting yourself where you want to be. It's not about getting perfect at fixing yourself and then going out and being able to help other women. Women want to see you in the mess. They want to go through it with you. So you are called for this time. This time, just like Esther, it's a time such as this, okay? It's not a time in next year or two years from now. It's right now.

Dr. Tabatha [00:24:47]:
So we're going to be talking about that at the end of the five day challenge. So, please, I invite you to show up for yourself and do something that feels a little scary, feels a little uncomfortable, feels a little bit like, whoa, can I really do this? That's what living's about. You know, I love Dirk Spentley. He has this song called living, and he talks about how most days, we're just living, we're going through the motions. Life's fine, whatever. We have our challenges. And then there's some days where you feel alive. You are legit making a difference.

Dr. Tabatha [00:25:31]:
You're making an impact on the world. You're furthering the kingdom, and you feel alive. I want to give you some of those days because it's so powerful. It really is. And then we can just have this ripple effect and, like, help all these other women. So I'm inviting you, please. It's free. But here's the deal.

Dr. Tabatha [00:25:53]:
You got to sign up soon because there's only so many spots on Zoom. Like, they give you a limited number of spots, and if it fills up, then you can't get into the call. So they will be recorded. You will have availability for a few days to watch them, but you have to sign up now. So the challenge begins on Monday, October 14, the live sessions. So it's a five day challenge. Monday to Friday, we're going to have live sessions Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday at 12:00 p.m. eastern.

Dr. Tabatha [00:26:25]:
So that's what, nine Pacific, eleven Central. They will be recorded, but we are going to have so much fun in the live recordings. Like, I am going to pour into you like no other. I can already feel the Holy Spirit wanting to just, like, do all this work for you. So show up and be a part of that. I want to see your face. I want to love on you. I want to speak life into you.

Dr. Tabatha [00:26:50]:
Okay, so reserve your spot. You got to register to do that. It's on the fast of faith website. It's in the show notes. And I just want you to take a minute to think, like, in five days. So it, you know, if this. I don't know what day this is going out, but at the end of this challenge, in five days, you truly can have more energy, actual weight loss, get connected with God or feel a stronger connection with God. Like, he is moving you and doing some work, and you're going to get the tools to stay on track when it gets hard, you know, I'm not holding back.

Dr. Tabatha [00:27:32]:
I'm giving you what you need. So if you could just feel alive in five days, like, how cool would that be? Okay. I want you there, and I'm just really excited for this. So bring your friends, your sisters, your moms, whoever, like, you feel that is called for this. I want you all in there. You can get into the fast to faith app if you have not been. There is a free section in there with so many awesome resources because I want to give you as much as I can, you know, for free. But I will tell you, like, I had to step up and invest in myself, money, time, energy, and I had to really shift into the person God was calling me to be, to be able to do this.

Dr. Tabatha [00:28:32]:
So don't be afraid if you're like, I'm too busy. I don't have, you know, I don't have enough time, or I'm not really ready to change. If God's calling you to show up and be there, just trust him. Just trust him. Take the leap of faith. All it's going to cost you is a little time. And I promise you it will be worth it because I value your time so much. It's such an honor for me that you've even listened to this whole episode.

Dr. Tabatha [00:29:05]:
So just know that I'm not going to waste your time. It's going to be so valuable and so helpful, and I would love to see you in there. Okay? So, yay. I'm so excited. And. And then on the backside of it, I'm going to talk about, like, the breakthroughs women had. So make sure you come back and listen after that week. So I'll see you in a couple weeks, but in the meantime, check out the show notes register right now, and I'll see you in the challenge.